Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday....January 6, 2015....

Been a great day.  Woke to the expected snow.  Falling ever so softly hour by hour.  Even still I took the three walks with each pup and the three trips to the barn to tend to the critters.  Made some fresh yogurt, tended the sourdough, doodled, started some more wheat grass to germinate.  Started reading from the Exploring the Senses book...What a great start.  I really had no intention of jumping right in but absorbing it some....however it has a worksheet that encourages you to explore the sense of sight first.  It gives you a list of things to look for and when and where to look.  What a perfect day for it.  As I was on my first walk of the day I found myself absolutely taking in every sight of the color yellow absolutely everywhere...I grabbed my camera and took pics of all the yellow in my life today.  Strongly encourage the book...Oh yes knew I was forgeting something...Its official...I am registered with my niece to do a polar plunge in less than two weeks...COLD!
Be well,


  1. This was TO fun...love your little bread box. There is even yellow in the pic photo below. Yellow must be a favorite color for sure :-)

    1. Oh Peggy I think your right about the yellow....however! Today I am working my way through red and finding an abundance of it in here as well. Now I like how it all looks inside here...but yellow and red??? Makes me think of mcdonalds for some odd reason!

  2. Sounds like a great day! Hope today is just as good. Love all the yellow in your home.

    1. I do love yellow! Mostly as an accent color as grey is the foundation in most of the home. Hope your day was amazing and your transition out of the Holidays going smoothly!
