Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday.....January 23, 2015....

Absolutely NO motivation today!  Woke late because of getting home late.  Barn chores and headed out the door in a flash to get a few things before the coming snow storm they are predicting.  Before I left though I looked at a corner of the living room and thought...ugh!  So while out I bought some paint and home to unpack and even before starting dinner VOILA!  Fresh coat of paint a little pop of color and Im happy!  Lumberjack came home early concerned about the weather.  This gave us a little time to work together in the garden.  Only thing left now is raking, making beds and planting!  Settled in with some hulu for the evening and definately not much on the agenda for the rest of the evening.
Be well,

1 comment:

  1. The color pops nicely! Hope you had a great evening with Lumberjack!
