Monday, February 23, 2015

The Daybook....

                                                                      For Today:
                                                      Monday, February 23, 2015

Outside my window......Heavy grey skies, cold and the ground frozen from yesterdays thaw.

I am thinking......How excited im getting for so many things that spring brings...the life on the farmstead....a new grandbaby....long bike rides on the trails with the family....picnics by the lake....yes im kind of excited for spring.  As I will be excited for the winter its next turn about.  I love the change of the seasons...that I long for the next one always!

I am thankful for.....Timely packages with small treasures from friends.  Thank you Peggy its absolutely lovely!

I am wearing......Black yoga knit maxi, grey and black striped long sleeved tee, jean vest, black and grey floral infinity scarf, black flats and hair in a messy bun!

I am creating......I have been spending countless hours in this snow storm working on the shrug  Must have it halfway finished by next wednesday.  And the Lumberjack seemed a bit creative yesterday himself.  Came in with my Alex and Ani bracelets on a bracelet holder he made for me.  Determined to finish three pages that need completed in the art journal.

I am going......It would seem that as spring and thaw and mud comes I am going to have to be cleaning this living room floor DAILY....washing that is!  So looking forward to putting that door in the kitchen!

I am wondering......If next weekend could be our first bike ride on the trail??!!

Quote of the week.....

I am reading......(Hoping to pick up speed here a bit and include a review when finished each book)

Three at onced.  Yep!  One Second After is our evening read aloud together.  Grub Is a quick one.  And The Homesman is a novel that im wanting to finish to see the movie!

I absolutely love this book and am sure it will take some time to work my through each recipe I am wanting to give a go!

Buttered Spinach!  We definately loved it and its simplicity.  Instead of a chopped cooked egg I used some dried cranberries.  Which only means that I "have" to make it again this week to use the egg!

I am hoping......That my very nice camera can be fixed.  We will see.  Meanwhile I am so thankful for this tiny little one that works just fine.

I am learning......To test all garden seeds for germination before planting!!!!

Around the farmstead......Matilda is looking much like I feel at the end of this winter.  The trip to the thrift shop should prove a new look for her come the middle of march sometime.  Her presence makes me so happy in the garden!

In the kitchen.....  Coconut custard pie, and homemade alfredo sauce for a white garlic and fresh tomato pizza was in the kitchen this week.  The week ahead looks so promising in there.  I actually made a menu...lets see if I actually stick to

I am pondering.....Onced again the upcoming baby shower.  The closer it gets the more nervous to put it all together I get.

Pins on the agenda.....(NEW...trying to acutually "use" the pins I pin thinking putting them here will help and add when they are finished)

One of my favorite things.....Three meals a day with the Lumberjack!!!  Love when he is home from work.

Plans for the rest of the week......Meeting a friend I have not seen for awhile for coffee, the livestock auction to see what I can find to bring home, shopping for some plants and pots for the almost finished kitchen, trip to the photo shop for some photos and a camera fix, and a stop at the thrift store.  Morning shopping with the girls on Friday then afternoon shopping with the mother in law.  A family birthday gathering on Sunday.

A photo from the week past......Yesterday the sun came out and allowed us much time to play and be productive.  The house plants absolutely loved it as well!


  1. The cookies: white choc/cranberry? If so..... these are sooooooo yummy!! Have a great week!

    1. Jodi they are! Im glad to hear the are good. I have not had the best success with pinterest recipes looking forward to this one now!

  2. I think I would enjoy hanging out and being your taste tester in the kitchen :) have a great week!

    1. Penny, you would be welcomed anytime! But its not always a good one lol some I have tried and trashed!

  3. Your daybook looks delicious! :)

    1. Thank you I love new recipes and so much looking forward to the spring to have fresh foods from the garden. As im sure you do as well. Have a blessed week ahead!

  4. Oh how lucky, I hope you get to go for a bike ride this week, that would be bliss! I love Matilda, she looks like she has weathered winter very well! How a wonderful week!

    1. Ellie, Looks like this week may be out as we have to finish a barn for the beef cow before the goat! But next week looks extremely promising! Have a blessed week ahead.

  5. I loved everything about your daybook! Lots of fun reading it...liked your book and kitchen shares...hoping to see The Homesman later this week. Your bracelet holder is so neat, nice to see them all at once isn't it. I roared at Matilda, I can only imagine all the cold wind whipping at her skirt, no wonder the poor thing is falling to the side. Do share her spring pretties with us. So glad you liked your little mug mat :-)

    1. Peggy, I am very much looking forward to the movie but I must finish the book first..and that wow! Very interesting read. Matilda...ahhhh she definately is in need of some spring touches. I love that I see her all year long out there just waiting on me. Pics coming! I use my mug every morning with my first of the day coffee and love it.

  6. I enjoyed reading your playbook entry. I'll have to look up that novel you're reading. I haven't heard of it before. What is it about?

  7. I loved reading your daybook. Promises of Spring, yummy looking eats, book reviews and more. Thank you for sharing all those neat things with us.
