Monday, February 16, 2015

The daybook.....

~Join The Community ~ January Editions

                                                                      The daybook
                                                                  Feburary 16, 2015

Outside my window....SUCH extreme cold.  Two pup walks down and two barn trips over.  One of each to go and thinking I may dig out the lumberjacks face hat!

I am thinking....It may be time to start making connections more locally.

I am thankful for.....How thankful I am that we are able to raise our own organic non gmo meats and dairy as a trip to the store and a walk down those aisles made me gasp at the prices!

I am wearing.....Grey leggings, Grey long sleeved knit top and a comfy grey and white striped tunic over with some wool socks!

I am creating......STILL working on the tabletop water garden.  Looking lovely so far!  Needing to do some journaling in the art journal.  Taking this slow week to put together a few handmade gatherings here at the farmstead for friends and family this summer...more to come there!  And praying I can get that purple shurg done in time for our Anniversary hike!

I am going.....To be keeping this fire roaring all week as it is to be frigid all week long...praying for warmer temps next week!

I am wondering.....If we can possibly get the entire kitchen complete before the next family birthday gathering?

Quote of the week.....After a lunch date with Tess last week...this quote is perfect!  On the horizon!!

I am reading....."The Homesman" by Glendon Swarthout.  Just starting but anxious to finish as I want to then watch the movie...and both daughters are impatiently waiting their turn.  Also Lumberjack and I started another outloud read..."One second after" by William Forstchen

I am hoping.....To get signed up for some very interesting classes this next  Definately details forthcoming.

I am learning....Learning more and more about plants and starting seeds indoors.  This is always a time of learning for me as im never going to be "there".  Love that there are always new things to learn in growing our own foods.

Around the farmstead....Peeps are growing and moving all around the bathroom hoping to get them to the barn next week.  Indie still not delivered.  No work was done at the barn this weekend as we worked hard to finish the kitchen one wall.  Many new seeds started indoors and even some transplanted already.

In the kitchen....  Warm apple crisps for two on a frigid evening in.

I am pondering.....A baby shower that is fast approaching.  Need to make some lunch dates with a few ladies to pull the details together and soon.

One of my favorite things....EVERY SINGLE DAY I GET TO SPEND WITH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plans for the rest of the week.....Looks to be a good week to get the knitting done and maybe complete the book.  Only one day away this week.  A day trip with my sister to do some shopping at a local health food store, bookstore, thrift store and crafting supplies.

A photo from the week past.....Lunch date at Hard Times Cafe with Kari last week.  My first and my last!  I was not a fan of their food but the company more than made up for it!


  1. What a delightful post. It's a pleasure to read your blog, and I don't tell you often enough.

  2. Mmmm apple crisp! I may have to make some this week! Have a great week!

    1. Jodi, It was so good!! You have a great one yourself!

  3. Sounds like you have a wonderful week ahead of you!

    1. Pauls, yes just being able to be home is so nice!

  4. It is a blessing to get to spend your life with the one you love and doing things that interest you.

    I hope your prayers for warmer weather come true!

    1. Jerralea, warmer weather has not comeyet but Im still praying hard for some!

  5. With the weather what it is over most the US it is great to have a warm place by the fire! Not having to go anywhere is a blessing too. hmmm, wondering why Indie is holding off?? ;)
    YOur chicks look good and healthy. Someday I hope to start seeds inside my greenhouse (that I hope to have someday)! LOL

    1. The inside seeds are struggling. We had a greenhouse before moving here and I thought I could do it inside the cottage but they are not exactly happy. Oh well...maybe a greenhouse next year?!

  6. Your chicks look very happy. I can't wait for the day we can get chickens!
    That apple crisp remind me that I have one quart jar of peaches left - would be yummy as a crisp!
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Peach crisp sounds delish! Think I will do that myself one day this week. Lumberjack loves dessert!

  7. I very much enjoyed your post today. Have a blessed week. =)

  8. Enjoyed reading your daybook and being able to stay in touch that way!

  9. More baby chicks. Cute! Your pictures of food make me hungry again. I hope your kitchen is finished soon. I can see your husband is working very hard. What a sweetheart to do all that for you. Hubby's are awesome. :)

    1. Hillary, He is such a hard worker. And your right hubbys are the best!!!
