Sunday, February 15, 2015

A kitchen wall....

What a long day.  It has been absolutely freezing outside.  We are staying warm and toasty here by the fire however.  Spent the day completing the long wall in the kitchen.  This was the hardest of all of the four walls needing done in there as it is where I do most of my work and where I have most of my kitchen supplies.  So these things were absolutely everywhere while we were working.  It was stressful to say the least but im over the moon excited with the turnout!  We are waiting until we finish the entire room to decide on black or white appliances.  As it goes right now we have one of each so it will be easy to see which we prefer.  Now for some good things to come of that kitchen area!  Oh and there are before and after photos.
Be well,

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lisa, that is a lot of work! I can't imagine the kitchen being "every where"! That would leave me a little frazzled! :) Hope you have a wonderful week!
