Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday....Febuary 2, 2015....

WOW what a day.  I feel as though I have hardly sat down.  The wind has howled wildly all day and only just the last hour settled.  Started the day off with coffee then a green smoothie.  Three pup walks and two times to the barn for chores.  Spent plenty of time in the kitchen.  Bought a second chance plant over the weekend and transplanted it.  It seems we have finally got a go on this meal worm farming thing....we have set the darkling beetles to lay the hundreds of eggs over the next two weeks they are predicted to.  It will be another 10 weeks though until we can actually harvest any mealworms for the chooks to enjoy.  On one of the barn trips I found a hen that has gone broody sitting on her one lone egg as the Lumberjack took yesterdays from her.  It does seem a bit early in the season but hey they dont have a calendar and so im thinking she knows whats best for her and the young.  Sent a basket of marked fertile chook and duck eggs to the barn this evening to set under her and just see what happens from there.  Spent some time this afternoon in the art journal.  I wanted to do a journal page devoted to reminding me to pray for the person or many persons that the scarf I made found its way into their lives.  Very happy with the outcome!  Well dinner and dishes and barn chores are finished.  Time to get cleaned up and settle in with some Waltons for the evening.
Be well,