Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday....December 4, 2014...

Things have been a little wonky here the last couple of days.  Just so much to do and little time with the holidays to do it all.  The floor still needs finished, the grout still needs done, trim around the tile in the living room, ceiling in the living room and the wooden beams in the living room.  Im not complaining.  Just sitting here wondering how were to get it all done and then add to that ALL of the outdoor barns and fencing and garden before spring!  It will come together of that im sure.  Laundry had been a little of an issue the last couple of weeks as it has been way too cold to be outside doing it.  So the drying rack came to the living room to dry the laundry by the woodstove and this little baby finally made its way out of the box.

Dont know what took me so long to pull her out but WOW im glad I did.  Knitting has taken first place from morning to evening here at home.  I managed to finish a purple scarf with a grey trim.  Oh and the ONE sleeve on the cardigan has been finished as well.  Need to get more wool to finish the other and the button holes.  Hoping to cut down one of the very tall pine trees from the garden area next week and top for our holiday Christmas tree this year.  It certainly will NOT look like a lot chosen tree but it will be special for sure!  Hoping to get the dress I have been wanting to make finished today...all but the button holes anyways.  Then of course I had to buy some material at Joann fabrics with the amazing coupons to make a new blanket scarf!!  Ugh when will I learn not to tread into that store when I already have so many projects!  Came home from errands yesterday to find the new Sundance catalog in the mail.  Made myself a hot drink and plopped right down on the sofa and enjoyed it from cover to cover.  Well better get to those projects...wait....barn chores...yes must do the barn chores FIRST.
Be well.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you sound very busy. But a rewarding busyness I know! :) The laundry... that would of course be difficult to keep up with if you don't have the modern electric machines. Most interested in learning about this thing you pulled out of the box! :)
