Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday.....December 12, 2014....

Husband took off today and we have three whole days together.  Breakfast was Apple Dutch Baby, coffee and oj.  Breakfasts are always so much nicer with him.  I enjoyed most of the day cuddled on the sofa knitting and watching him hammer away on the living room floor.  It is done all but the staining and poly.  Love that we recycled the wood from palletts and the feel and smell of the wood is amazing.  Cleaned up and picked up Firefly for our yearly Holiday shopping for her parents.  She was so much fun!  The older she gets the more fun she really becomes.  She had her own list which even included dinner!  She is so much like her momma!!  After she shopped for what she wanted for them she sat on Santas lap and informed us he was the real thing...because he told her he would have the presents under her tree and the last one told her he would make sure the real santa knew what she wanted.  Oh her eyes!!!  So full of belief and wonder....She took her packages to the salvation army wrap station and the girls there took her right behind the counter and put her to work helping with the wrapping.  She loved it!!  Then of course what would be a mall trip without a visit to claires!  And with PaPa at that!!  She is home with her mom and dad and I am settled in by the fire with a nice glass of moscato while Husband finishes the barn chores for the night.
Be well,

1 comment:

  1. My hubby took off work yesterday too. He got a lot accomplished. Now I need to get busy and get something done today! Love the little children so full of wonder and amazement! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
