Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday.....December 11, 2014....

A beautiful day to be home snuggled by the fire.  It has been terribly windy here on the farmstead all day long.  And cold!!  Found myself starting a pair of mitties for a friend...only I should have started them sooner.  I need to have them done by Tuesdays dinner date in the evening.  And a busy weekend ahead is definately going to be pushing me!  So thankful for the breaks from knitting...pup walks...three of them to be exact....barn chores three times a day and time spent working on the garden area.  All of which get me out of the house and a break from the knitting.  The weeks mail was a good one....two of my favorite seed catalogs and a few christmas cards!  Deciding to follow a fellow bloggers lead and put the seed catalogs back until after new years!  Husband should be home soon and dinner over.  Keeping it simple tonight as he is off the next three days so there is room for some yummy breakfasts together.
Be well,

1 comment:

  1. Your knitting picture looks so warm and inviting. Pup sure is loving that heat! :)
    I especially enjoy the Bakers Creek Heirloom catalog that I get. Beautiful pictures of wonderful produce!
