Monday, March 30, 2015

The Daybook.....

                                                               The daybook....
                                                               March 30, 2015

Outside my window....Periods of bright sunny skies...a nice wind howling...and huge white puffy clouds on a very bright blue sky.

I am thinking.....That Im past ready for warmer weather!

I am thankful for....Grandchildren!  Ready to have more but so thankful for this one!

Frocks and Frills.....Not necessarily a great pic but I do love it just the same.  Went to a local amish greenhouse with Karla and she snapped this pic randomly as we were enjoying the Ferns!  To be able to wear flip flops and a flowy skirt was an awesome feeling.  Looking forward to shedding more clothes as the season warms ever so slightly.

Broke out the capris and my absolute favorite shoes.  Vintage leather slip ons the very kind that Amelia Earhart wore!

I am creating.....The sofa table that the Lumberjack made me last week sometime has been finished with a waiting teapot to germinate some lemon seeds and tonight we made a "firefly" light.  Love how it just twinkles in the evenings.

Also started working on a very large banner of colorful flags for the veranda!  Its going to be awhile until it is finished but it looks like the veranda may as well.  lol

I am going......To be spending many days this week sorting through the summer clothes preparing to make the change come the first of matter the weather we always switch on the first!

I am wondering.....About this church.  It is on the border of our property but not owned by us.  I have so many questions about this church and the people that were of it.  It sits alone.  Abandoned just like the house next to it.  There is no name no marker nothing to identify it.

Quote of the week......

I am hoping.....That this next time around I can successfully grow a lemon tree through the winter to prosper into such a beauty as this one...

I am learning.....To be patient with MYSELF!  To give grace to MYSELF!  To give forgiveness to MYSELF!  Focusing inward lately.

Around the farmstead.....Not much around here yet.  The beef cow is growing wildly!  Definately ready in the fall.  The chooks are laying an abundant amount of eggs, the nine peeps that hatched have been left to free range during the day with the bigger chooks however we did lose one.  Indie is milking very well but it all goes to the babies still.  The doe is growing nicely and getting very spoiled.  The bucks are getting HUGE!  Only four more weeks till one buck goes to the auction and one gets moved for breeding use only.  Eggs are set onced again in the incubator and the ducks are just as lazy as always.

In the kitchen.....You have heard me express my deep love of bowl food and THIS should have been in such bowl!  Our own free range eggs scrambled...Last years salsa....Fresh cultured sour cream...and ham from last years hog.  I had doubts but WHOA!  Im in love with this new now bowl food!

Made the Icebox Lemonade Pie from pinterest....It was good and would probably make it again...maybe....a little creeped out that it has raw egg yolks in it then I remembered so does my mayonaise that I love so much.  It made two pies and I thought it would only make one so we will be eating it for awhile.  

I am pondering....Still pondering a fresh new haircut and style...just not quite ready to commit to something.

Pins on the agenda....

One of my favorite things....Waking in the night to all of the sounds outside the cottage walls.  Coyotes, foxes, spring peepers, canadian geese and barred owls this week thus far.

Plans for the rest of the week.....Its going to be a slower "week" and Im am Thrilled!  An early dinner date with Firefly this evening.  Saturday is the big family dinner with all of the extended family for Easter and a load of organic mushroom mulch soil on the way home.  Church on Sunday with an early evening small intimate dinner with the kids and their families at our oldest daughter and her husbands home.

A peek into a day of the past week.....A visit from a friend was ever so pleasant.  Just what I needed exactly when I needed it.  We sat for what seemed forever dangling our feet in the local mineral springs in town listening to the spring peepers and talking.

For the love of all things green growing and nourshing....The lumberjack set out to make me a garden gate and I am in love with it.  The rest of the fencing coming over the next few weeks.

Fleeting moments away from the farmstead....Had a great time at a dinner theatre for the school my niece and nephew go to.  The theme was Australia.  Made me think I need to make some time to meet up with Tess.  The kids did great and the food was ok.

Cottage gatherings....Marcy came for the day.  We hooped...we ate...we laughed...we cried...we talked.  These are the things this cottage was meant for!

One stone at a time.....Seems things are stalled onced again with so many other things needing done.  We did put one strip of flooring down in the photo till that job is finished.  And honestly thats about it for the cottage this week.


  1. That little bunny is the sweetest! Hope you have a great week

  2. Cute outfit!! I love that candle holder! Have a great week!

  3. I am in love with ferns and I have none. Sad face! Your pins look so yummy and I love the pics you posted. Thanks for sharing them with us.
