Monday, March 23, 2015

The Daybook.......

                                                                For Today:
                                                          March 23, 2015

Outside my window.....A very bright blue sky.  A slight breeze and a promise of warmth to come.

I am thinking......How thankful I am that we have established our own traditions as empty nesters...its makes life so enjoyable to look forward to the little things together....Always banana splits on the first day of spring!

I am thankful for.......You know I look at this picture and feel so overwhelmingly thankful for the Husband God has given me for 29 years now.  He works so hard to provide all of the necesseties for us.  Never requiring me to work other than the handful of times I have wanted to for fun. And in all of the big huge things he does to make this family function he still finds time for the little things for me as well.  I love him to the moon and back a million times over!

Frocks and Frills.......             Its a bit early even for me but I couldnt resist!

I am creating.....Well actually the lumberjack created this behind the sofa table...I will create what goes ON the

A tabletop water garden.  There are two water type of plants in it that will thrive over time and one Beta fish named Hubert.  I love this little water area inside the cottage.

As I was cutting up a lemon for some water I remembered seeing this on Pinterest and the fact that I recently bought the teacup planter for only a dollar and had nothing in it yet inspired me to give it a try.  The review I read said that she was about to give up on germination but after four weeks it finally did spring forth.

I am going......To be spending many long mornings with my Oldest as she works her way through a nerve issue in her back while waiting to deliver baby Jacob...of which I have NO complaints!

I am wondering.......Just when I am going to get to hold that new little precious bundle of joy in my MiMi arms!

Quote of the week.......

I am reading......Still life with chickens...hoping done this week.  And still one second after with the Lumberjack....

I am hoping.......We have been family(friends) for 22 years.  Have weathered through some very difficult and some very awesome times together and I am truely hoping for at least 22 more!  They say if a friendship makes it 10 years it will make it a lifetime...I think we are there!

I am learning......How precious relationships outside of family are.  This friend made the baby shower for Baby Jacob a breeze and I am so thankful for her.

In the kitchen.......

I am pondering........"That precious gift...the gift of time...If you ignore the gift and rush into things you may never be ready".....words from Once Upon A Time this week.  Just something to ponder around awhile.

Pins on the agenda.......

One of my favorite things......Those days when there is time for that second "pot" of coffee...

Plans for the rest of the week.......Looking at a a piece of property with my glad they are planning a move this way!  A trip to the greenhouse and lunch with Karla on Wednesday.  Shopping with the girls on Thursday and lunch out.  A dinner theatre on Friday evening and an eggstravaganza event and lunch with Firefly on Sunday afternoon.

A peek into one of my days this past week.......Coffee dates with my sister are sometimes the nicest extra 30 minutes in my week.

For the love of all things green, growing and nourshing....

Fleeting moments away from the farmstead.....These moments were indeed "fleeting" this week as some of our personal plans were put on hold to tend to some family needs.  This is the view though that I get to enjoy while sitting with her in her living room.  


  1. Beautiful post. That teacup planter is adorable.

  2. enjoyed your daybook with all these wonderful pictures! Hope you get to hold baby Jacob soon!

    1. Oh how anxious I am....still waiting though!

  3. Wonderful post... love the banana splits on the first day of spring! What a great idea, lol... hope you have an awesome week!

    1. Anita, It has been a great week thank you and hope your have a blessed one as well.

  4. Mmmm banana splits! I am going to have to add this to my cheat day on Saturday! Can't wait to see pics of baby Jacob!! Have a great week!

    1. Hi Jodi! Hope you had a great week. Pics will be allllll over here of the little guy when he decides to make his grand appearance.

  5. I love your sofa table and that marvelous little water garden. With a beta fish, no less!

    1. Hi Paula, I was worried he wouldnt have much room but the assured me at the pet store that he wont get any bigger and loves to be lazy. lol

  6. Replies
    1. Amy, thank you. Now I need to remember there is a living thing in it and not neglect him.

  7. Oh wow, I love the teacup planter idea. where did you find that?
