Monday, November 24, 2014

Daybook.....Monday, November 24, 2014...

                                                                           For Today:
                                                                        November 24

Outside my window.....A goregous day!  Sun is shining, last nights rain is blowing off the trees and it is warm and breezy...but only for a few days then there is to be SNOW!

I am thinking.....About the Holiday Season and all that it has in store!

I am thankful.......That Larry will be off for an entire four days over the next weekend!

I am wearing.....Skinny jeans, and the cutest ever blue and white tiny striped pullover that is similiar to a sweatshirt but so much more dressy, and black tall boots.

I am creating.....Trying to finish the living room wood floor before the holidays, Finished the body of the cardy and working on the first sleeve, and hopefully sewing up a new dress this week as well.

I am going.....To be enjoying the pandora station over the Holidays as I love the varying of genres.

I am wondering.....If there will be venison in the freezer this season.  Sure pray so!!

I am hoping.....To keep on track with all of the buildings before spring around here.  It all looks so good on paper.

I am learning.....With this cardy I am learning to figure more knitting skills out on my own than to rely on the group!

Around the house....Prepping for Thanksgiving.  Making plans for all of the baking and Holiday movie watching.

In the kitchen....Apples and Mushrooms and LOTS of them.  We love mushrooms here at our home.  Hoping the logs we plug provide us with many years worth of the many varieties.

I am pondering.....Plans for my birthday.

A favorite quote for the day....."Collect moments not things".....

One of my favorite things.....Creating memories with each family member both collectively and individually.

A few plans for this week.....Dinner date with Firefly, Baking, Sewing, Knitting, Annual trip to our favored town to bring in the Holidays.

A peek into one of my days this past week.....

A trip to a local apiary and we have ordered 4 new nucs for the spring season.  


  1. Wow! You have a lot of beautiful activity happening at your place. I do hope you get the venison that you need. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Thank you for your kind words.

  2. Love the quote...Hope your Thanksgiving is a happy day!
