Thursday, October 2, 2014

This week in my kitchen....Blog hop....Thursday October 2, 2014...

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Its been a very tasty and filling week here on the farmstead.  Roasted cauliflower of which we devoured with no leftovers!  And that oil dispenser....oh that oil dispenser.  I wondered when I bought it how I would like it.  Now my only regret was not buying TWO in case this one ever came up broken.  The way it drizzles out that olive oil is just awesome.

I found myself making more warming and comforts foods this week.  The temps here fluctuated quite alot but the trees and the evenings made you feel just a little cooler no matter the temps.  Balsmatic roasted carrotts found there way into one of the meals.  Cooked in cast iron they were to die for.  Even Larry who thought he would never like a cooked carrot agreed.

And just this morning I put together a pot of Brunswick Stew to be enjoyed this evening and possibly tomorrow for lunch.  Using my new cuisinart pot made it very delightful.  Larry bought me this pot for our anniversary back in March and I am so happy to have it unpcaked and ready for the cool weather use.

One of my favorite things lately is onced again starting a compost pile.  We are working on cutting the trees to build the garden and have already started the compost pile in the garden.

Be well,


  1. Yes, that stew looks so good. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Just finished up the leftovers this evening and even better heated up.

  2. What a wonderful-looking as well as -working oil dispenser! The stew looks so good!
