Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Daybook....


                                                        For Today
                                                    October 21, 2014

Outside my window....Sitting next to an open window listening to the birds chirping their morning song and watching the slight breeze blowing the leaves around.  Gorgeous blue sky.

I am thinking.....About my lunch date last week with Tess.  I had forgotten how much I missed her with the move until that very moment I walked into the coffee shop and was embraced in love!

I am thankful......For so many things this morning, the woods that gives us the heat here at the cottage, Children that come bearing yummy treats and hands to help, Husband that works so hard all day to come home to just be present together in whatever we do, Food that is healthy, sustainable and organic that is so abundantly available here, And a home that is totally in the making but every step is one that we cherish!

I am wearing.....Grey and black print yoga pants, garden boots, and a goat milk tee from the conference a few weeks ago....hair in a messy bun and ready to tackle more of the garden in the making today.

I am creating....The garden!  Watched the back to eden film again yesterday and am prepared to tackle the area of the woods we are cutting down and turning into what we pray will sustain our family.

I am going.....To be planning and plotting the garden space with plenty of fruits, berries, veg, ducks, swings and just lots and lots of charm and wit!  Look out pinterest!!

I am wondering.....How christmas will be this year in the new home.  Praying to complete the living room in its entirety to have the family HERE this year!

I am hoping.....To get wood cut through the week to have the weekend to work on another project and maybe...just maybe...a bike ride with my love!

I am learning....To be slower.  Slower in general.  Wanting to be more aware of my surroundings at all times and take things in slower and savor it all.

Around the house....3 new laying chooks to arrive on Friday, plenty of laundry to dry by the woodstove, mulching the many trees out of the garden woods.

In the kitchen....The yummiest fall soup I have ever made.  Recipe and pic on Thursday.  Maybe some bread this week, and the lemons...yes the lemons....made the most amazing lemon blueberry layer cake from the lemons we grew.

I am pondering.....A coffee date this week and where the conversation will go and where it "should" go. lol.  Always interesting with her!

A favorite quote for today...."Outside the will of God there is nothing I want.  And inside the will of God there is nothing I fear" ~AW Tozer

One of my favorite things....The fact that my adult children still text me when they have arrived someplace knowing that my mommas worrying heart is here waiting!  Oh they forget often but when the remember it overflows  my heart!

A few plans for this week.....Lunch date with my Love in the middle of the week for no reason at all!  Long overdue hair appt on Friday, errands, shopping, visit to Rhodas to enjoy her sweet presence and bring home new chooks, and a lunch date with Cathy!

A peek into one of my days this past week......

It seems anytime Tess and I meet for coffee its always at Big Oak.  Love it there but thinking its time we branch out of our own little box!  It is a lovely place though!!

Be well,

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