Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Daybook....Tuesday, October 7, 2014...


For Today:  October 7, 2014

Outside my window........Grey skies threatening rain.

I am thinking......Its alot harder to operate that power drill than Larry makes it look.  Tried and failed.  But at least I tried.

I am thankful for.....The rain when it comes.  As it is our main source of water for the cottage.

I am wearing.....Skinny work jeans, comfy work tee and sneakers.  Yes its a day of work ahead.

I am creating......An amazing garden space full of raised beds, back to eden beds, ducks, turkeys, fruit,berries,composters,  hanging swing, and in the end a gorgeous garden fence!

I am going.....To be working very hard beside Husband this week as we work on the living room space in the cottage.

I am wondering......What the Holiday season will look like here in this new home.

I am reading....To come tomorrow in the Yarn along blog.

I am hoping.....For a beautiful wintry season ahead.

I am learning.....To make much of little in this space we have.

Around the house....Ducks and guineas arrive, the living room is being worked on and lots more garden work.

In the kitchen.....Gingerbread with fresh homemade whipped cream and the delicious pumpkin liqueor made a few months ago.

I am pondering.....The announcement of another grand baby in the Spring.

A favorite quote...."The heart has reasons that reason does not understand"~Jacques Benigne Bossuel

One of my favorite things.....Composting.  Yes composting.  Its the little things!  And as we begin a new composter here on the land its brings me great pleasure.

A few plans for this week.....Coffee with a friend at a local juice bar, Thrift store shopping, Organic produce co-op pick up, Yoga at a new to me studio...or coffee house as it is where it is held, Many many trips to lowes to complete the woodstove area!

A peek into a day from the past week......

                                             Funny faces with this cutie on a recent family trip.


  1. Your new cottage home sounds lovely. Do you mainly use rain water as a necessity or do you choose to do it that way? Sounds like there is a lot of work to do. God bless your new adventure and may your home be a blessing to you. Thank you for sharing your day with us.

    1. Hi Hillary! We collect about 900 gallons of rain water and it is what supplies us with water for showers, laundry and dishes and such. We carry in drinking water from a loved spring nearby and use it through the berkey. We do have a permit for a well but just dont think it is a real need as of yet. Thank you for the blessing. We are truely blessed. Have a great weekend.
