Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Daybook....October 28, 2014....


                                                              For Today
                                                         October 28, 2014

Outside my window......Cloudy and grey, cool but with temps to be rising today before it gets cold onced again.

I am thinking.....How quickly this little cottage can go from clean to messy during a project...or is it when Husband is home?!

I am thankful.....For vacation days to allow us to just be home to spend time together...and yes get said projects finished also.

I am wearing....Jean skirt, and tee with rain boots.  Ready for a mountain hike with Husband on our property this am.

I am creating....The last of the living room/kitchen wall area.  So glad to be done this project.  Next up....the living room floor!!

I am going....On a hike on our property with Husband this early am then home to finish some laundry.

I am wondering......About the phenomenon of the Elsa character these days.  I loved the movie but am not liking the obsession I am seeing.

I am reading....Nothing at the moment...no time really...sad!

I am hoping/praying.....Our grandchildren find themselves full of the compassion their mothers learned and never had to be taught!

I am learning.....That karma has a real sense of humor.

Around the house.....Arranging and re-arranging so very many times as we finish a project and things just always seem to look better in "another" place.

In the kitchen....Breakfasts with my love as he has had off four days and we have spent that time here at home.

I am pondering....Recent conversation with our 6 year old granddaughter....oh how sweet it is!

One of my favorite things.....Coffee with a chilly sunshine on the patio furniture.

A few plans for this week.....A completed project, more raised beds to be finished, more woods to be cleared for the garden, a woodsy picnic here with Tess and then dessert and shopping in OUR town to show her around, and a lunch date on Saturday with Deb.  And now that we know when church starts at a local church most definately THAT.

A peek into one of my days this past week.....

                                Family celebration of a perfect report card at our local Sweet Frog.

Be well,

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness the Elsa thing is crazy. We love frozen! And my youngest is being Elsa for Halloween, but I was just thinking about how crazy the Elsa thing is this week too!
