Thursday, September 25, 2014

This week in my kitchen...

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I am over the moon excited to be able to "finally" take part in this blog hop.  We have finally somewhat settled into the cottage here on our little piece of WV heaven and cooking has onced again resumed.  Hoping to have more to show next week and trying to find the camera to have a better quality photo than the phone.

This is our temporary kitchen here in this tiny cottage.  We have moved in and are finishing the space while we live here so no drywall yet but I am so very very happy with it.  Behind the curtain is our temporary bedroom...this space will be more of the kitchen where we keep the cookstove onced we build the first addition.

Indie our american alpine goat is away being bred and I am so very anxious to onced again begin milking her.  But until then we are so very thankful for the local raw milk and the cream we separate from it.

Parmesan roasted mushrooms with a squeeze of lemon and some mortared home grown herbs were very satisfying one of our first nights "home".

Before moving I purchased this beauty of a coffee pot as well as a Chemex...This however has become my absolute favorite!

Off to enjoy a cool and rainy day.
Be well,


  1. Oh my goodness, those mushrooms! My husband will love you forever, as I would never think to put those flavors together. I can't wait to try it for him. (I'm not a big fan, but gosh those sound yummy! I might have to try.) Congratulations on your move! I too, could not live without my French Press. There is just something about it. And that one is absolutely beautiful!

  2. I ADORE your cottage as well as your food ideas. We're thinking of downsizing our empty-nest home and this is so inspiring, thank you! I'm bookmarking your site to visit frequently...

    1. Downsizing was honestly one of the greatest things we have done. More land and less home! This adventure has only begun and im dreaming of one more! Shhhh thats our secret though as husband has no idea! lol

  3. Wow, all so gorgeous...and I love, love, love the coffee press!

    1. Erin, Thank you it is amazing! Kind of regret even getting any other type of coffee maker.

  4. Oh your cottage looks so cosy. How perfect. Is that a le creuset coffee maker ? How gorgeous. I love the colour just right for autumn.
    Happy times in your lovely new home.

    1. Debby, Yes it is and oh my it was worth every penny i spent on it. Been watching your comings and goings on the blog as well. Looks lovely!!
