Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Daybook....September 30, 2014...


Outside my window.......A bright sunshine sparkling off of the changing trees on our little valley in the mountains.  Birds singing loudly.  Rain to come.

I am thinking......How blessed we are to see the changes in the seasons.

I am thankful......For the gifts of friendships.

I am wearing....Home clothes as I have no place to be.  Grey linen capris, silky grey/blue flower print tank, and a comfy sweater.

I am creating......Next creation around here will be the chook coop!

I am going.....To be taking many walks this day before the rain comes to enjoy the scenery and refresh my mind.

I am wondering.....About what the next adventure will be....yes we've only just begun this one.  But what is a wonder if not thinking of the future?

I am reading......Nothing today but choosing a new book from the bookshelf tomorrow.

I am hoping.....For beautiful cool weekend weather!

I am learning......To use power tools to help my husband.

Around the house....Wild turkeys a plenty and right up to the front door.  Laundry, baking and still more treasure finding in the many boxes from storage.

In the kitchen.....Hearty meals for cooler days.

I am pondering......A relationship with the dearest friend I have ever been blessed with and how I miss her after this move.  Must do something and soon!

A favorite quote for the day....."When you stop fighting things and just live, breathe and try your best to treat people right, life just flows.  Its that simple"  ~Dau Voire

One of my favorite things....Falling asleep to the sweet soft coooo of an owl.

A few plans for this week......Shopping trip with my girls, (Firefly snuggles included), A coffee date with a friend, WAP gathering with an awesome speaker and bookwriter  Sarah Ballanantyne. And a trip to D.C. with the entire family to paruse the smithsonians and take in some memorials before an amazing dinner.

A peek into one of my days this past weekend......

Headed out for the day with my love and the curling iron died!!  So up goes the hair out comes the glasses and grab a scarf....whipped up and ready to go!!  We did have an awesome weekend however most of it "was" spent finishing up that bathroom of which I am very grateful!

Be well,


  1. Oh the joy of picking a new book and just enjoying the sounds and surroundings! Although I think wild turkeys so close might freak me out a little bit.
    Way to improvise,adapt and overcome ! I hope you can get a new curling iron soon. I have my eye on some new hot rollers. The ones I have are such a pain to use! (Just old and clunky)
    Have a great week ! Blessings,Lora

  2. Hi Lora! The book thus far was a good choice very funny and a good relaxing read. Just picked up a new iron as the weekend ahead is busy and was much needed. Have a great weekend!
