Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Daybook.....Tuesday, September 9, 2014....


                                                       FOR TODAY

Outside my window....Very grey sky but thankfully so much cooler

I am thinking....How such little time I have left for the flip flops....but I HAVE  picked out the new boots!

I am thankful.....For lunch dates with the Husband.  Its the only thing I will miss onced we move!

In the kitchen.....Absolutely nothing until FRIDAY!!  Packing and sorting is taking way too much time.

I am wearing........A pair of the softest and most comfy light blue skinny jeans and a flowy silky grey tunic and flip flops!

I am creating....Still working on the navy cardigan but ready to start a quick knitting project while working on it.

I am going....To be purging more than I originally thought with all of the unpacking.

I am wondering.....If the electric will be completed by move in day on Friday.

I am reading....nothing at the moment.

I am hoping....The warm temps stay away at least until we DO have electric for the ac.

I am looking forward to....MOVING ON FRIDAY!!

Around the house....Chaotic mess unpacking one box at a time.

I am pondering....Those new boots I am so very very anxious to order!!

One of my favorite things.....Evenings outside with a nice drink.

A few plans for the rest of the week.....Coffee and shopping with the girls, An afternoon with my sister, A special dinner date with the Husband, Moving day, Mother earth festival, and quite possibly finding a new church in a new town!

A peek into my day....

Cardigan on the needles!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha! I love your reflection on the sandals, I need to start shopping for some winter/fall shoes too! There are days however, when I brave sandals in those winter days though :)

    Hopping over from The Simple Woman's Day Book!
    Sparrow's Day Book
