Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday...and what a day it was!

The day started out normal as ever but turned very quickly!  Up...Coffee....Devotions....Garden walk....milk the goat...barn chores....check fb...BAM!  The local law enforcement page had quite the update.  Apparently there was a state police car stolen and the man was on the run...what they did NOT tell you until six hours later is that in the car was an ar/15...a smith and wesson...and a 12 gauge.  So sitting and reading...then I hear a helicopter...headed out to walk Reggie and noticed that chopper was circling our home...over and over again.  So low he shook the house!  No walk!  Came in the house and retired for a few hours.  Then when things seemed calm time to walk the little man.  Oh yeah nice leisurely stroll....headed back to the house and almost to the drive when i see a cop pull into our driveway!  FREAK out!!  He went to the farm behind us a 300 acre farm that is only occuppied occassionally!  Waited on the officer who informed me that the man was somewhere in those freakin 300 acres and i needed to go in and lock my doors.  Yes sir!!!  Called the lumberjack who decided it was a good time to take a half days vacation and head home to protect me!  Thank you Jesus!!  He was captured on the corner of our property and the neighbors!!  In the old church!!  Freaky!  Well dinner is over the dishes are about to be done and the strawberries have been planted.  Both of us are struggling this evening with some sinus issues so early night it will be.  Hoping for a calm peaceful day tomorrow.
Be well,

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