Monday, April 13, 2015

The daybook....

                                                                             For Today
                                                                          April 13, 2015

Outside my window......Warm very warm temps...birds chirping...peeps chirping from the skies and absolutely lovely...lots of outdoors time today!

I am thinking.....How the things really are worth waiting for.  I had been wanting a cusinart ice cream maker for months just not really wanting to part with the full 60 dollars!  This one was brand new with receipt and all for only 20 dollars.  Lots and lots of some of the yummiest goat milk ice cream on its way!

I am thankful for.....This lady....she blesses me with truth and sincerity every time we have a chance to just sit and talk!  Have learned over the years its not the quantity its the quality in friendships!

Frocks and Frills.....I bought these summer jeans last summer at marshalls and forgot just how amazing they were...the softest of denim almost like a linen so flowy and comfy with a button fly...

Again a new pair of pants from Marshalls and they are just amazing...added to it a flowy creamed colored linen tank top and a light and airy navy blue summer weight cardy!  It was a little chilly but still wearing the flip flops!

I am creating.....Beautiful outdoor spaces!!!

I am going.....To have the hugest stash of "treasures and gifts" when firefly is a grown woman!  She blesses me every time she sees me with something and I am over the moon thankful for each and every gift!

I am wondering.....About nothing at the moment.  Things are good and there is nothing pressing either good or bad on my mind.  Just a calm restful spirit these days.

Quote of the week.....

I am reading.....Just started a new book...How to eat a small country by Amy Finley.  

I am hoping.....To have many many more family photos over the next few months!

I am learning....That its not the coffee that matters its the company....I really dislike starbucks coffee but find I will drink it anytime if the company is right.  A impromptu coffee date with Maureen on Wednesday was worth the bad coffee lolol.

Around the farmstead....These chooks are never far away when either of us are spending any time outdoors...

In the kitchen.....Strawberry crisps with homemade goat milk vanilla ice cream.  I had pinned the crisp a few weeks ago and omg it was the best.  Thinking I love strawberry crisps better than another fruit!

I am pondering....A very VERY drastic change in hairstyle.....oh I wish it was just an easy decision!

Pins on the agenda.....

One of my favorite things.....When the Lumberjack makes us dinner...mostly egg sandwiches when it happens but he makes them the best!

Plans for the rest of the week......A mountain hike and lunch with Marcy on Monday, Lunch and a movie with the girls on Tuesday, Coffee date on Saturday am with Deb...WAY overdue, Sunday church and a bike ride with the lumberjack and possibly an early dinner along the trail at a local new restaurant.

For the love of all things green, growing and nourishing.....We painted the garden gate and hung the planter over the weekend.  More fencing going up everyday until it is completed!

Fleeting moments away from the farmstead.....Bike rides on a lovely sunday afternoon after dinner out with the love of my life!!

Cottage Gatherings.....My sister, brother in law and niece and nephews came to celebrate our niece sandys birthday...good food great desserts and some shooting along with some mountain hikes!

One stone at a time.....Working this weekend on the veranda....grass seed planted and the succulant boxes are painted as well.  Finished the flag banner just in time to hang before the weekend ended as well....

Putting up the harvest......Bought way too many organic non gmo green beans from the produce co-op this month so putting them up for the winter...and the first time using the tatler seals...


  1. What a wonderful post today ( I always love your posts!) This is so encouraging as we just start to see glimpses of spring here! We have a Marshall's which just opened in the city, I will have to take my daughter and check it out. When my dh makes supper it is usually eggs and ham and cheese on English muffins, he does cook more stuff, but this is my favourite. And homemade ice cream is just the best! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. I too am pondering the hair thing as well. Hoping this week or next I can get in with my hair lady (she has been on vacation). Have a great week!

  3. I just did the totally new hairstyle thing. I'm still trying to figure out how much I like it. Must be looking pretty natural (or else horrible) because absolutely no one outside my immediate family has commented.

  4. Wow, reading your post today, I am wondering where you get the energy?! Can you send me some? Lol! I would totally like to try that goat milk ice cream...I am very skeptical about goats, but maybe you could persuade me otherwise. Have a great week!
