Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Yarn Along....

Decided to give this a try onced again.  For some reason it seems summer draws me to knitting  more so even than winter.  Maybe im just dreaming of the cold wintry days and in my own way preparing for it with some nice new woolens!  Anyhow, I just started a new project this week.  A knitted/felted tote.  Its a knit only stitch so is moving along very nicely.  As for reading...I have just started the book "A good place to eat".  Seems good so far.  As always with books of this nature the beginning is mostly drama and the fun is yet to come.  Will stay with it to the end!
Be well,


  1. The book sounds good! Next time I am at my library I'll see if they have it! Happy knitting. :)

  2. Beautiful tote! Sounds like a book I would like to read...adding it to my 'to be read' list.
