Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The daybook.....



Outside my window...Grey skies with a chance of some rain.

I am thinking...How last week was so nice and slow and this week just seemed to blow up

I am thankful...For a God that intervenes just when we need him even if we dont know we do.

In the kitchen...Finding just how much I love fresh strawberries in our salads, add a lemon roasted chicken breast and some pea shoots and oh MY!

I am wearing...Light skinny jeans, grey tank top and a new boho sleeveless light knit long cardigan, flip flops!

I am creating...Some new fiber arts.

I am going...To be doing yet more packing and purging around home.

I am wondering...Just how all of these future plans are going to fall into place.  Most days im so very optimistic but there is an occasional day where I am wondering...

I am reading...A novel..."Home to Woefield"

I am hoping...For a slower week next week

I am looking forward to...Strawberry picking next week with all of my girls.

I am learning....To just do what comes next.....

Around the house...So very much laundry and house keeping to be done after a busy weekend.

I am pondering...Finally stopped pondering what could have happened to that man of mine with the chain saw in his hand over the weekend!

A favorite quote for today...Communicate.  Even when its uncomfortable or easy.  One of the best ways to heal, is simply getting everything out and if you live bitterly, you live a lonely existence.  

One of my favorite things...Listening to the constant banter of movie phrases flowing as if conversation between my two girls.

A few plans for the rest of the week:.....Haircut and lunch with the girls, Lunch date and yoga with a dear friend, another trip to the property to deliver a load of free plywood, breakfast date with my man and an overnighter with Firefly!

A peek into my day...


  1. Hi, Lisa, I enjoyed my visit to your SWDB. I love fresh strawberries too! In Florida, we have wonderful ones - even a festival in their honor in March. Have a lovely day.

  2. Hello Lisa! I'm visiting from Peggy's. It is nice to meet you and enjoyed looking over your blog. Your meal sounds delicious!
