Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The gift of beautiful days....33 To Go!

Today was just one of those days you sit back and just feel so blessed and complete over.  Woke early and enjoyed a cup of bulletproof coffee on the porch watching the sun rise.   Still very chilly out.  But tolerable with a sweater.  Fed and watered the livestock then cleaned up and ready for the day.  Tess came around nine and we headed out to spend the day in Hagerstown.  No real plan just intentional time together.  Such a soul mate of a friend!  Wandered around a few thrift stores and just a small few finds.  Made our way to the City Park and an Art Museum!  Gorgeous!!!  Slow and peaceful just as a day should be.  Lunch was onced again at the Rhubarb House...we did however attempt another new restaurant in town...but it just did not compare so we left for our always favored one!  Home with a little time for a quick nap and a two mile walk with Reggie before Larry came home.  We had plans to go out to do some banking this evening.  Also found our way to get Fireflies Easter things, some dog food and chicken feed, then a quick walk around Lowes...onced again we were blessed there with another kitchen cabinet which is priced at 58 dollars...some minor damage and a score of 10 dollars!!  Only five more cabinets to go and the kitchen is complete.  Praying they all find their way to the cabin in a discounted way.  Now home with some pizza a movie and some cuddle time.
Be well,

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