Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday....July 22, 2014....

Its only five fifteen and im ready for yet another hot shower and to call it a day!  Oh how I wish I could!!  Seems the mosquitoes and spiders had a feast on me on Sunday and the bites are absolutely driving me crazy!!  Hot showers and benadryl are helping...however the benadryl makes me cranky enough to bother myself.  Larry will be home late tonight as he is going to mow in Hagerstown.  Thinking of a quick and easy supper for him.  Still wanting to take a few walks this evening.  And the plants will need watered as there has yet to be rain!!  Started a new cardigan on the knitting needles.  That was a pain in the rear to get started.  Hope it ends better than it started.  Found a treasure at the thrift store today though...a small bolga basket for only a dollar!  And the mail man made a nice delivery of a new book.  My life on the Wilder side.  Looks interesting.  On the back burner until the other has been finished.  Definately ready to settle in and call this a day!
Be well,

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