Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Daybook, Tuesday...July 15, 2014....



Outside my window...Grey heavy skies.  Humidity is extremely high.

I am thinking...How incredible it is that Yaweh brings the right person into your life at exactly the right moment.

I am thankful...That both of our girls love and serve an amazizng God!

In the kitchen...More yellow squash than I can ever use!

I am wearing...Black flip flops, Grey roll down yoga skirt and a white tee.

I am creating...Dresses for the winter!  Picked up the art of sewing onced again and loving the creations.

I am going...To be processing things a little more as they occur.

I am wondering...How would we ever get by day by day without the loved ones both near and far from us.  And the dear people in our paths every day.

I am reading...Still Home to Woefield.

I am hoping...Too look back here one day and remember that all of the trials of this life were worth it in the end.

I am looking forward to...Fall.  Yes fall.  Always fall at this time of year.  I would have to list my favorite seasons as 1.) Fall 2.) Winter 3.) Spring and last 4.) Summer.

I am learning.....That ALL things are important to God...ALL things!  

Around the house...Laundry, dog walks, meals with lots of squash, knitting, sewing and cleaning.

I am pondering...The coming weekend and the weather.

A favorite quote for today...

One of my favorite things...Taking friends to new places for the first time and seeing and feeling their reaction!

A few plans for the rest of the week:....Errands and groceries, A visit to a friends to check out a new buck for breeding, Knitting group, Mountain Music in town at an old hardware store locally, a very very special birthday party for Firefly, and a work day on the property.

A peek into my day...

Dress print in the making and fresh flowers out of the yard.

Fannie Fouche by Ellen Mason - odacier on Ravelry...she made the dress too!

This is very close to the pattern im working on in the above fabric.  Also working on a new cardi to go along with it.

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