Saturday, July 26, 2014

The past couple days.....

WOW!  Ok so the last post i was hoping for some nice lingering thunder storms...well I got them.  FULL of lightening.  Lightening that took out the modem for the internet!!  So two days an no internet!!  I was thinking recently just  how much I really wanted to have wireless at the cottage.  Guess the last two days I figured out that I really want it pretty badly!  So here we are.  Two days have passed.  Great news....The excavator is scheduled to come on Monday given there are no bad weather forecasts!  So excited!!  The cottage will follow sometime in the following two weeks.  Thursday was such a pleasant day, a trip to Frederick with the girls for lunch and some shopping...and a good dentist visit for Firefly!  The weather was absolutely perfect!  Spent the evening with my Sister and her family.  Home in time to get hit with a major sinus infection.  Laying low here on Friday feeling absolutely horrible.  Not quite sure what we will get into over the weekend.  Guess it depends on how im feeling!
Be well,

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