Saturday, July 12, 2014

Thursday...and Friday....

Been a little to preoccupied to be here and blog.  I really enjoy coming here daily just to journal need to make that a little more of a habit even on the busiest of days really.  Thursday spent most of the day at home.  Left around three to visit a friend and was extremely blessed with some red raspberry plants from her home patch.  Visited anther friend and her family before together we headed out to an essential oil meeting.  A young living one none the less.  I really love the Doterra oils that I am involved with and will continue my involvement with them.  However, made the decision to take the plunge into young living as well.  They both have so many amazing oils to offer and vary between each other.  Doesnt hurt that my start up with young living includes another diffuser.  I was needing one for the cottage so I could have one in every room.  Home much later than expected.  Friday was spent at home most of the morning as well.  Then to Target for a firefly run.  A call with tears exclaiming that she just HAD to have the frozen back pack at target and there was only three on the WV no less!  Ran to the target in Chbg...SOLD OUT....Called the Md target....SOLD OUT....called the one she was in in wv....only one left on the shelf when just less than an hour ago there were two.  Had it on hold and made a very impromptu trip to wv!  Yes...she is spoiled and I would not have it any other way.  Home in time to meet a friend at a Wind Down festival in Hagerstown.  A gorgeous time.  The weekend should be a little calmer on Saturday anyhow.  Sunday will find us at the property putting the finishing touches on the Goat Barn.  Im excited to be finished with this and moving onto the Chook Coop.  However...we are down to only 6 weeks until the cottage structure is delivered.  At which time all outside activities on the property will cease and we will hurriedly move to work on making the cottage at least liveable for the two of us.  By liveable...toilet, water, electric, and a stove to cook on!  That will be IT for awhile.  We will live in it while we finish the rest.  Truely going to be a trying time ahead!
Be well,

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