Sunday, July 6, 2014

Saturday....July 5, 2014....

So here is where it seems I am to bear my soul.  Here on this little blog where seeming very few can see my flaws and raw emotions.  We spent the entire day today on the property.  We are at the point of finishing touches on the goat barn.  Two more weeks and it will be complete and we will be moving onto the chook coop.  We put the divider between the barn, larry hung a cabinet for me in the milking room side, started working on the rain water system on the loafing side, I finished staining the entire barn, and we put up one panel of fencing.  Things are coming together and we are very thankful for every piece of wood and every nail we hammer but I am worn a little today.  Feeling a bit emotional.  Like just thinking of all that has yet to be done.  The cottage structure will be here in less than 8 weeks and I cannot stop my mind for worrying and thinking of all the things that both financially and physically will need to be done.  We are so very used to our days being spent without worry or concern.  Breezing through summer enjoying bike rides, mountain hikes, picnics, festivals and just touring local new to us towns, breweries, distilleries, wineries and restaurants.  These things need to just not be enjoyed so much this summer with all of the work and expenses involved in this dream.  I knew this going into it really I did.  And im not complaining really.  I am so thankful we have come to the point of onced was a dream now turning reality.  Im just a little tired I suppose.  Things will come together and someday I will look back here even and see how it all fell together one piece at a time.  Till tomorrow.....
Be well,

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