Friday, July 18, 2014

Thursday....July 17, 2014....

Ugh drug myself along through today or so it seemed.  Many dog walks were taken to try and revive myself.  A trip to bbs just wasnt to happen.  I did make it to a few of the essentials however.  Liquor store for the start of some peach cordial, giant for dinner essentials, and Hobby Lobby and Joann fabrics for some new dress material.  Hobby Lobby proved to be a score!!  The most amazing and soft navy blue chunky wool for a new cardigan, and so many things were at 80% off...I bought the girls some really cute and quirky things for their homes for what felt like a steal.  Larry mows onced a week for two elderly people in Hagerstown so this evening I settled the pups and myself in with some hot (decaf) coffee and a girlie movie.
Be well,

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