Thursday, July 31, 2014

And all is well.....

Home from a trip to the property.  All is well as we had prayed it would be.  There was no one there and the job is finished.  It is exactly as we had originally hoped it to be.  Was able to vision and dream alone and it felt right.  Even had time for a stop at Target and some time with the girls before heading home.  Showered and ready to make dinner for that man and settle in for the evening before a busy next couple of days.  Here are some pics from the land today.

This is a view from where the pasture area to the right of the property is.  They actually cleared an area they we had not expected and it turns out it will be a perfect area for the orchard.  And will be so close to the cottage as well.

This is the view looking from the main road and up the driveway to where the cottage will sit.  It will be up at the back of the property several feet off of the tree line there.  I didnt get a view of what we will see off the front porch but will over the weekend for sure.

This is where the cottage will sit.  It is originally 14x40 but we will have two additions.  One on the back with rooms 10x40 and one 10x40 covered front porch on the front.

Be well,

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