Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Daybook....Wednesday July 9, 2014....

Welcome to...


Outside my window...Bright sunshine, beautiful blue skies and puffy white clouds

I am thinking...That its going to be a bumpy ride the next 12 weeks.  

I am thankful...Finally the electric is back to working properly.

In the kitchen...Absolutely too hot to be cooking!

I am wearing...Light colored skinny jeans, striped red and grey tunic, and flip flops with a sweater in hand for the movie theatre!

I am creating...Woolens of late!

I am going...To be ready to get the goat barn done and move onto the the chooks.

I am wondering...My mind wanders here and there its hard to say just one.

I am reading...Home to Woefield.

I am hoping...and praying for many things.

I am looking forward to...this move in the fall.  Each day gets more tense with the wait.

I am learning....that I am never done learning.

Around the house...Laundry, watering plants and trees for the cottage, dog walks and just  some leasure time.

A favorite quote for today..."Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not"

One of my favorite things...Evenings spent outside doing nothing with Larry.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Movies with Firefly, Essential oil meeting with a friend, Night out with the man, family bike ride, and putting the finishing touches on the goat barn...FINALLY!

A peek into my day...

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