Monday, July 21, 2014

Sunday....July 21, 2014....

Oh how I am longing to see and feel just one finished project!!  We are getting weary of traveling back and forth.  Carrying everything we need to do just a little on a project we can.  One day a week is so terribly difficult to get what needs to be done in.  But two days a week seem so expensive of a travel.  The cottage comes in four weeks and we have to build the chicken coop and have the goat barn completed.  Larry andJames managed to hang the spouting for the rain water system at the barn.  They got it almost completed.  Larry has said we will be going back up mid week to finish the entire thing.  The only things left on the goat barn would be to screen in the windows and put a latch on the inside door.  More trees were trimmed out of the pasture area today but still more to be done.  James hung the solar light in the milking room of the barn for us.  Katie and I took many a walk and took some time to feed the neighboring horses a few apples.  Cassie Karl and Firefly made it up for a quick visit.  We started the bramble patch a few weeks back.  Oh onced again to see the finished project!!  Because right now it just looks like it has absolutely no direction or vision at all!  I promise it will I just need time to get it all settled in and fenced and mulched!  Definately one thing im looking forward to is putting together pics of a project from start to COMPLETION.  We have blueberries, blackberries, horseradish, fig and rhubarb in this space right now with more to plant every week we make our way up there.
Be well,

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