Thursday, July 31, 2014

And all is well.....

Home from a trip to the property.  All is well as we had prayed it would be.  There was no one there and the job is finished.  It is exactly as we had originally hoped it to be.  Was able to vision and dream alone and it felt right.  Even had time for a stop at Target and some time with the girls before heading home.  Showered and ready to make dinner for that man and settle in for the evening before a busy next couple of days.  Here are some pics from the land today.

This is a view from where the pasture area to the right of the property is.  They actually cleared an area they we had not expected and it turns out it will be a perfect area for the orchard.  And will be so close to the cottage as well.

This is the view looking from the main road and up the driveway to where the cottage will sit.  It will be up at the back of the property several feet off of the tree line there.  I didnt get a view of what we will see off the front porch but will over the weekend for sure.

This is where the cottage will sit.  It is originally 14x40 but we will have two additions.  One on the back with rooms 10x40 and one 10x40 covered front porch on the front.

Be well,

Thursday....July 31, 2014....

Its been a VERY VERY stressful past three days.  Monday I went to the property and the excavator had his father there doing the work.  It appeared to me he was doing the opposite of what we were told would be done.  Instead of "pulling" soil from the back of the property to level the area for the cottage it appeared he was "pushing" the soil from the road frontage of the property.  Also I didnt exactly get a good feel that he and I understood where I actually wanted the cottage to sit.  Left though feeling excited to see something coming together for the home itself.  Larry took off at lunch on Tuesday and we headed up to take a look.  Onced there it was obvious that it was done the opposite.  They had the pad for the building on a hill that was pushed up from the road...we asked for a 16 foot driveway only.  Giving enough room for the truck to deliver the building and still keep our privacy from the road.  Welllllll we had a 50 foot driveway!!!  AND....we made it very very clear to the excavator that we had planned to immediately put a 10x40 foot addition on the rear and front of the building...he had our pad smack dab up against a six foot bank and on a hill.  So if we had windows or a door on the back you would NEVER get out!!  Let alone put the addition on.  I composed myself and gathered good thoughts...we asked the man to give us ten more feet.  We did not ask him to move the pad as it was NOT where we wanted it.  Instead we chose to work with what we had and only has for the additional footage.  He did it but not happily.  Said he would finish it in the morning.  I called the excavator and explained things to him and told him i would really like to be there when the stone was laid....because onced its down its DONE!  He agreed,, we hung up and i spoke to his dad and he told me to be there by nine thirty.  I was there by nine fifteen yesterday.  Put on my boots and walked up...I only briefly looked at the pad site when the father came storming at me asking how i planned to get my house up there?  Answer....why a flatbead truck!  Obviously he knew that and seemed more aggitated...he said I know that but '"how"...and pointed to the pad site which now I was forced to really look at!!  OMG!!!!  He pushed up so much soil from the road frontage we would walk out our door and fall ten feet down a hill!!!  Well I told him I dont know thats your job to figure out!  He told me to go to one of the other men that was on the phone with dennis and talk to him.  What was onced a gentle giant turned into the devil himself!!  He kept telling me i was constantly changing my mind, and that we never told him about the additions...he was pulling the job...yelling...screaming...talking a mile a minute...I could not even speak a sentence.  I finally conceded with you do what you have to do here is your men...I didnt even think he heard that because he was still yelling!  I left called larry crying and so upset.  Larry left work and came.  When we got back the old man was still there working.  I stayed in the truck and Larry walked up...he opened the door looked at larry and said...I know why your here.  I owe your wife an apology.  He said he had a fight with dennis in the morning and i fell into the trap with him.  He said dennis said to pull the job but the old man refused.  He said he will make it all right for us by the end of the day.  Larry said not to go back up until Saturday.  Im sitting here and I cannot stand it.  Im going this afternoon.  I need to see what I have to work with and calm my spirits some.  So I am heading up!!
Be well,

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday....July 28, 2014....

Yesterday Larry and I made a trip to the property.  It was very short lived as I was NOT feeling well at all.  We put up two fence panels in the goat yard, moved some firewood we had cut out of the way of the excavators, planted the red raspberries and took some before pics.  The excavator came this morning.  I took a trip there this afternoon.  I admit I was no where near ready for what I saw.  Brought me to tears actually.  I was a little hesitant thinking they wouldnt even really make it today.  They have done such an amazing job so far and it is only half way done.  Tomorrow Larry and I will head up to hopefully see the completed project.  And exactly three weeks from today the cottage shell should be sitting right there!!
Be well,

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Saturday....July 26, 2014....

Summer Sky Festival 2014 with the Kimble family!  Gorgeous day.  Weather was cool and beautiful.  Picked bouquets of flowers, watched all of the balloons rise to the sky, took a ride in a hot air balloon...AMAZING!
Be well,

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The past couple days.....

WOW!  Ok so the last post i was hoping for some nice lingering thunder storms...well I got them.  FULL of lightening.  Lightening that took out the modem for the internet!!  So two days an no internet!!  I was thinking recently just  how much I really wanted to have wireless at the cottage.  Guess the last two days I figured out that I really want it pretty badly!  So here we are.  Two days have passed.  Great news....The excavator is scheduled to come on Monday given there are no bad weather forecasts!  So excited!!  The cottage will follow sometime in the following two weeks.  Thursday was such a pleasant day, a trip to Frederick with the girls for lunch and some shopping...and a good dentist visit for Firefly!  The weather was absolutely perfect!  Spent the evening with my Sister and her family.  Home in time to get hit with a major sinus infection.  Laying low here on Friday feeling absolutely horrible.  Not quite sure what we will get into over the weekend.  Guess it depends on how im feeling!
Be well,

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Welcome to...


Outside my window...Storm clouds are building.  Hoping for a nice thunderstorm.

I am thinking...How nice it would be to have an evening full of thunderstorms.

I am thankful...So much!  Family, friends, fresh produce, Just so much!

In the kitchen...Still an abundance of zuccini and yellow squash.

I am wearing...Grey capris, flowy yellow and grey print tee and flip flops.  With hair in a messy bun.

I am creating...Still creating and packing.  Meaning I am buying lovelies for the new cottage to come!

I am going...To be feeling quite nervous as the time approaches quickly for the cottage to be delivered.

I am wondering...How everything is going to fall into place.  Reminding myself...just do the next thing!!

I am reading...Still "Home to Woefield"

I am hoping...To finish the cardigan on the needles sooner than later.

I am looking forward to...The weekend as always!  Time with Larry is always something to look forward.  In the big and little things we find to do.

I am learning....That my time is not my own!

Around the house...Trying to catch up on laundry and keep up with meals in a not so functional kitchen as we pack and unload so many things.

I am pondering...Fall!

A favorite quote for today..."Life isnt about waiting on the storm to pass, its about dancing in the rain"

One of my favorite things...Watching Firefly when she doesnt know anyone is watching!

A few plans for the rest of the week:....A trip to Frederick with the girls, An evening with my sister and her family, lunch with a dear friend, Dinner date with Larry and as always sunday on the property.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday....July 22, 2014....

Its only five fifteen and im ready for yet another hot shower and to call it a day!  Oh how I wish I could!!  Seems the mosquitoes and spiders had a feast on me on Sunday and the bites are absolutely driving me crazy!!  Hot showers and benadryl are helping...however the benadryl makes me cranky enough to bother myself.  Larry will be home late tonight as he is going to mow in Hagerstown.  Thinking of a quick and easy supper for him.  Still wanting to take a few walks this evening.  And the plants will need watered as there has yet to be rain!!  Started a new cardigan on the knitting needles.  That was a pain in the rear to get started.  Hope it ends better than it started.  Found a treasure at the thrift store today though...a small bolga basket for only a dollar!  And the mail man made a nice delivery of a new book.  My life on the Wilder side.  Looks interesting.  On the back burner until the other has been finished.  Definately ready to settle in and call this a day!
Be well,

Monday, July 21, 2014

Sunday....July 21, 2014....

Oh how I am longing to see and feel just one finished project!!  We are getting weary of traveling back and forth.  Carrying everything we need to do just a little on a project we can.  One day a week is so terribly difficult to get what needs to be done in.  But two days a week seem so expensive of a travel.  The cottage comes in four weeks and we have to build the chicken coop and have the goat barn completed.  Larry andJames managed to hang the spouting for the rain water system at the barn.  They got it almost completed.  Larry has said we will be going back up mid week to finish the entire thing.  The only things left on the goat barn would be to screen in the windows and put a latch on the inside door.  More trees were trimmed out of the pasture area today but still more to be done.  James hung the solar light in the milking room of the barn for us.  Katie and I took many a walk and took some time to feed the neighboring horses a few apples.  Cassie Karl and Firefly made it up for a quick visit.  We started the bramble patch a few weeks back.  Oh onced again to see the finished project!!  Because right now it just looks like it has absolutely no direction or vision at all!  I promise it will I just need time to get it all settled in and fenced and mulched!  Definately one thing im looking forward to is putting together pics of a project from start to COMPLETION.  We have blueberries, blackberries, horseradish, fig and rhubarb in this space right now with more to plant every week we make our way up there.
Be well,

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday....July 19, 2014....

Spent the first of the half day celebrating Fireflies birthday.  She is getting so big.  Its so nice to see her relationships form with the little friends in her life.  Left WV and headed home to PA.  Home long enough to let the pups out and grab the mail.   The doggie door came today!!  YIPPEE.  I love feeling like things gather together to form the big picture of our cottage.  Yes even a doggie door makes me happy!  Left again to take in some local history.  The burning of chambersburg...the 150th celebration. was great.  So glad we did it before we move from the area.
Be well,

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday....July 18, 2014....

Wow I am about to just fall into bed!  Spent the first half of the day cleaning the upstairs of this little house.  How out of control it has felt!  Ran a few errands then headed to Larrys moms to see Firefly and give her a huge birthday Hug.  So hard to believe she is already six years old.  Ran to Hobby Lobby in Hagerstown and bought a new Compost Container for the kitchen scraps.  A really pretty apple green.  Home to clean the downstairs and just in time for larry to come home and we headed out to pick up a few things on our list.  A stop to eat at this quirky little outside pit place...the best crabcake I have had in a very long time.  Stopped at Lowes and scored enough white spouting and down spouts for the entire back of the cottage for only $24.00!  Home and watered all of the outside plants.  Headed to bed.  No movie time this evening.
Be well,

Thursday....July 17, 2014....

Ugh drug myself along through today or so it seemed.  Many dog walks were taken to try and revive myself.  A trip to bbs just wasnt to happen.  I did make it to a few of the essentials however.  Liquor store for the start of some peach cordial, giant for dinner essentials, and Hobby Lobby and Joann fabrics for some new dress material.  Hobby Lobby proved to be a score!!  The most amazing and soft navy blue chunky wool for a new cardigan, and so many things were at 80% off...I bought the girls some really cute and quirky things for their homes for what felt like a steal.  Larry mows onced a week for two elderly people in Hagerstown so this evening I settled the pups and myself in with some hot (decaf) coffee and a girlie movie.
Be well,

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday....July 16, 2014....

Spent the morning relaxing at home and walking the pups.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous all day.  No humidity white puffy clouds and a cool breeze in the high seventies!  A few more of these to be enjoyed before im sure the heat and humidity returns.  Larry has been resting his knee all week and taking a ton of oils, herbs and tincures.  It is starting to feel a little better thankfully.  Firefly called and asked me to come into nannys for a swim with her and pick up a pizza on the way.  How could I turn down an offer like that!  Home early and did some sewing and knitting as well as some reading.  Larry came home to get me and we ran a few errands before home to make supper.  Heading out to water all of the plants tend to the chooks and an evening walk before settling in with some episodes of Mtn Men.  His fave!
Be well,

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Daybook, Tuesday...July 15, 2014....


Outside my window...Grey heavy skies.  Humidity is extremely high.

I am thinking...How incredible it is that Yaweh brings the right person into your life at exactly the right moment.

I am thankful...That both of our girls love and serve an amazizng God!

In the kitchen...More yellow squash than I can ever use!

I am wearing...Black flip flops, Grey roll down yoga skirt and a white tee.

I am creating...Dresses for the winter!  Picked up the art of sewing onced again and loving the creations.

I am going...To be processing things a little more as they occur.

I am wondering...How would we ever get by day by day without the loved ones both near and far from us.  And the dear people in our paths every day.

I am reading...Still Home to Woefield.

I am hoping...Too look back here one day and remember that all of the trials of this life were worth it in the end.

I am looking forward to...Fall.  Yes fall.  Always fall at this time of year.  I would have to list my favorite seasons as 1.) Fall 2.) Winter 3.) Spring and last 4.) Summer.

I am learning.....That ALL things are important to God...ALL things!  

Around the house...Laundry, dog walks, meals with lots of squash, knitting, sewing and cleaning.

I am pondering...The coming weekend and the weather.

A favorite quote for today...

One of my favorite things...Taking friends to new places for the first time and seeing and feeling their reaction!

A few plans for the rest of the week:....Errands and groceries, A visit to a friends to check out a new buck for breeding, Knitting group, Mountain Music in town at an old hardware store locally, a very very special birthday party for Firefly, and a work day on the property.

A peek into my day...

Dress print in the making and fresh flowers out of the yard.

Fannie Fouche by Ellen Mason - odacier on Ravelry...she made the dress too!

This is very close to the pattern im working on in the above fabric.  Also working on a new cardi to go along with it.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Photo: Lunch in Shep with friends

Photo: What's a trip to shepherdstown without an Alice in the carribean

Glorious day!  Lunch at the Blue Moon Cafe.  Oh how I have missed the sesame noodles there!  An ice cold Oatmeal Stout Beer and of course whats Shepherdstown without an Alice in The Carribbean from the coffee shop!  And the best part...the company!  Home and ready to make supper for the guy and I then relaxing for the evening.
Be well,

Sunday....July 13, 2014....

Seriously the laziest day we have EVER had!  Slept way in, piddled around here for awhile, then loaded and took a trip to the property.  Put up another piece of fencing and put together the milk stanchion and hung the door then left.  Came right home watered the outside plants, played with the dogs, showered and went for dinner.  Home again and we just called it a night snuggled on the sofa with the ac some knitting in hands and a movie on for the guy waiting on the coming storms.  Larry has done something to his knee so we are pushing in the oils and herbs trying to get him healed up quickly.  Six weeks down until the cottage officially comes.
Be well,

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saturday.....July 12, 2014....

Well the day to be relaxing ended NOT so relaxing at all.  Quite stressfull/emotional to be honest.  Home all morning just being lazy around here.  Larry came home and we made breakfast together before heading out to run a few errands.  But first he took me to a local mountain craft fair.  Bought me some yummy kettle corn and then the errands.  Home to relax with a quick rest and some down time.  Then started supper.  He came in with a NEED of some man tool from walmart.  Decided to just ride along for the company.  Left the phone, money, liscense and keys at home.  Who knew I would NEED them!  A call from Cassie....she was in Greencastle for a birthday party....that Karl, our son in law, was in an accident.  He hit a motorcycle with his truck head on.  We flew there!  Everyone is well and settled now for the evening.  The young man came around the turn and hit karl head on.  The other driver was charged with the accident.  He refused treatment.  There is a HUGE dent in the truck hood where his head...with a helmet thankfully...hit the truck.  Karls truck is busted up more than the motorcycle actually.  It is a company truck.  Ready to head to the property for hopefully some r&r tomorrow.
Be well,

Thursday...and Friday....

Been a little to preoccupied to be here and blog.  I really enjoy coming here daily just to journal need to make that a little more of a habit even on the busiest of days really.  Thursday spent most of the day at home.  Left around three to visit a friend and was extremely blessed with some red raspberry plants from her home patch.  Visited anther friend and her family before together we headed out to an essential oil meeting.  A young living one none the less.  I really love the Doterra oils that I am involved with and will continue my involvement with them.  However, made the decision to take the plunge into young living as well.  They both have so many amazing oils to offer and vary between each other.  Doesnt hurt that my start up with young living includes another diffuser.  I was needing one for the cottage so I could have one in every room.  Home much later than expected.  Friday was spent at home most of the morning as well.  Then to Target for a firefly run.  A call with tears exclaiming that she just HAD to have the frozen back pack at target and there was only three on the WV no less!  Ran to the target in Chbg...SOLD OUT....Called the Md target....SOLD OUT....called the one she was in in wv....only one left on the shelf when just less than an hour ago there were two.  Had it on hold and made a very impromptu trip to wv!  Yes...she is spoiled and I would not have it any other way.  Home in time to meet a friend at a Wind Down festival in Hagerstown.  A gorgeous time.  The weekend should be a little calmer on Saturday anyhow.  Sunday will find us at the property putting the finishing touches on the Goat Barn.  Im excited to be finished with this and moving onto the Chook Coop.  However...we are down to only 6 weeks until the cottage structure is delivered.  At which time all outside activities on the property will cease and we will hurriedly move to work on making the cottage at least liveable for the two of us.  By liveable...toilet, water, electric, and a stove to cook on!  That will be IT for awhile.  We will live in it while we finish the rest.  Truely going to be a trying time ahead!
Be well,

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Daybook....Wednesday July 9, 2014....

Welcome to...


Outside my window...Bright sunshine, beautiful blue skies and puffy white clouds

I am thinking...That its going to be a bumpy ride the next 12 weeks.  

I am thankful...Finally the electric is back to working properly.

In the kitchen...Absolutely too hot to be cooking!

I am wearing...Light colored skinny jeans, striped red and grey tunic, and flip flops with a sweater in hand for the movie theatre!

I am creating...Woolens of late!

I am going...To be ready to get the goat barn done and move onto the the chooks.

I am wondering...My mind wanders here and there its hard to say just one.

I am reading...Home to Woefield.

I am hoping...and praying for many things.

I am looking forward to...this move in the fall.  Each day gets more tense with the wait.

I am learning....that I am never done learning.

Around the house...Laundry, watering plants and trees for the cottage, dog walks and just  some leasure time.

A favorite quote for today..."Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not"

One of my favorite things...Evenings spent outside doing nothing with Larry.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Movies with Firefly, Essential oil meeting with a friend, Night out with the man, family bike ride, and putting the finishing touches on the goat barn...FINALLY!

A peek into my day...

Tuesday.....July 8, 2014....

Started the day out well.  HOT yet again.  Storms in the forecast.  For early evening.  Ran a few errands this afternoon.  Scored some amazing 90% off deals at JoAnn fabrics.  Enough wool to make a spice colored cardigan and knitting needles I did not have.  Watered everything early.  No plans for supper as its just too hot to cook.  Larry called after work to tell me he was picking up hoagies.  About the time he got home the storm arrived as well.  Horrid winds and rain.  Lost electric.  Hooked up the generator to shower.  Shortly after electric came back on.  But not without its issues!  Something is wrong with a breaker in the main house.  Finished a knitting project.  Another slouch hat.  Off to bed.  Larry will fix it all in the morning!!
Be well,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday.....July 7, 2014....

Lovely HOT Monday!  Home all day.  Laundry, dog walks, knitting, making enough chili for lunches all week.  Call from the mother in law.  Shes making dinner for everyone!  Yes please!!  Then a quick dip in the pool.  Home just in time to water all of the plants and trees before calling it an evening with the guy!
Be well,

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday.....July 6, 2014....

Sunday we celebrated the fourth of July with the family.  I have thought alot lately about how things have seemingly changed in our personal lives.  As the girls have grown and our family has expanded and furthers to do so change is inevitable and welcomed!  We used to have girls nights...which have turned into Husband dates...and oh how I love that!  Although I first thought this change would mean less time with the girls and was a little saddened by that it has totally proven differently.  We still on occassion make time for just us girls but we have WAY more "family" events now than we did before.  This works so well for our family.  And we seem to be able to turn even the ordinary into the extradornary!  Such as our Fourth of July celebration.  We had a cookout with some absolutely delish foods.  Followed by some corn hole and walks in the woods.  Even found time for some lounging on the hammock.  Larry doesnt ask for much but this is something on his wish list I can definately make happen soon.  At the end of the night we lit off some fireworks.  Firefly liked the little poppers but the big ones we found her running into the woods crying.  Definately not her favorite part of the evening.  Its always so hard to leave and have to drive so far back home.  Soon though that also will find a change!
Be well,