Friday, August 1, 2014

The daybook....

Welcome to...


Outside my window...Heavy skies, humid.

I am thinking...How things seem bad and turn out right.

I am thankful...The trials we have had with the excavating.  Faithbuilders.

In the kitchen...Large cast iron pans full of fresh veg out of the garden sauteed with fresh local meats.

I am wearing...Silky, flowy floral print button down the front dress and sandals.

I am creating...Dresses, scarves, socks and cardis for the winter.

I am going...To really enjoy the weekend at the property now that we can "see" where things will actually be.

I am wondering...What moon phase we are in as I am loosing more hair than usual.

I am reading...Nothing at the moment.

I am hoping...To have a peaceful and calm week next week unlike this past one!

I am looking forward to...The weekend as always.

I am learning....All things work together.......

Around the house...Laundry, yard work.

I am pondering...The layout....

A favorite quote for today..."The only limits in life are the ones you make"

One of my favorite things...Ice cream dates with the husband.

A few plans for the rest of the week:....Errands and a lunch date with Cathy this afternoon, time on the property working saturday, Music on the Mountain (bluegrass) with friends on Sunday.

A peek into my day...

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